By Sunny Simon
My father-in-law was a special guy, he was a hardworking man who loved life but what I remember most was the way he took pride in family wins. Dad created a “Wall of Fame” along a hallway leading to his bedroom. In an area most people would find the area suitable for beautiful art, he proudly displayed proof of any family achievement, no matter how small. If a grandchild won a certificate for 3rd place in a spelling-bee it hit the wall, when a his son graduated from college, a copy of the diploma was framed and hung, and when I received a promotion, evidence of my corporate climb received billing on the wall. The entire family loved that wall, it spurred us on to work harder and aim higher, but most of all it taught us to celebrate success.
All too often we set goals and make the upward climb forgetting to pause at the top of our mountain and savor the view. Stop for awhile, do your happy dance and take a well earned bow. Savor and enjoy the kudos sent your way from friends and family.
While you’re doing a victory lap, consider those who supported you. Our star speller received encouragement and word drilling from her dad helped her place in the contest. Like our word queen, you probably didn’t get to the goal line without some help. Be sure to pull your team into the celebration. Honor them with words of gratitude and praise. By sharing your good feelings you inspire others to forge on and capitalize on their dreams.
For multiple reasons, it’s important to avoid rushing on to tackle the next goal. Slow down and spend some time processing the win you just scored. Analyze what you learned, what worked, what didn’t, and which skills need improvement.
On your way to the next goal, mindfully elevate the journey. Take the time to celebrate the smaller milestones achieved en route. Doing so provides increased motivation to continue and bolsters self-esteem. Reward yourself with some small token, because you earned it. Experiencing joy in the journey is the point. If you wait until the deed is done to feel fulfilled, you may be waiting a very long time. By prolonging the sensation of those good dopamine vibes, you risk discouragement and defeat.
If I learned anything from the man who created the display of family accolades, it is all of the above. Although sadly both Dad and his wall are gone, I thank him for teaching me to celebrate not only my wins but each step along the way.
Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching and the author of the blog www.lifeonthesunnyside.net