Everybody feels unmotivated to work out from time to time, but some people are never excited to go to the gym and end up abandoning their fitness routines. Let’s discuss the challenges that may stand in your way to being motivated to work out.

  1. Not taking time to find the type of activity you enjoy: The first thing that comes to mind when you think of getting fitter is running or going to the gym. But it’s normal that not everyone finds these types of workouts enjoyable. Take time to find what works best for you. It could be dancing, yoga, hiking, swimming, or other physical activity.
  2. Having high expectations: Don’t set unrealistically big goals for short periods of time or you will soon find yourself unsatisfied and unmotivated to continue working out. Instead, focus on small victories and celebrate each step of progress, whether it is that you are not lifting a bit heavier weights, running an extra half a mile, and so on. Remember that fitness is a journey, not a race.
  3. Not having enough variety: A great way to make your workout routine more enjoyable and exciting is to always try new things. For instance, you can go to the gym and lift weights twice a week and then take a yoga class once a week or go for a hike to spice your fitness journey. Another great thing about diversity is that it also helps avoiding overtraining injuries.
  4. Comparing yourself with others: Comparing yourself with other people is the surest way to get unmotivated. Remember, everyone’s fitness journey is unique. Instead of comparing, focus on your own small achievements, and if you do compare – let it be today’s you and the prior version of yourself and nobody else.
  5. Lack of accountability: When you work out on your own, it can be challenging to stay on track. To increase your accountability, you can join fitness, yoga, dance, or other classes, find a workout partner or a personal trainer.
  6. Pushing too hard: Physical activity is always great unless you overdo it and end up burned out. Listen to your body and allow yourself rest days to recover and recharge.

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